About Us


Gail Bovenizer

Complete Harmony’s Mission is to help as many parents find their tribe and build relationships with other parents as well as their babies in the first few years of life.

Gail has trained in many different fields specialising in Pregnancy, Birth and Beyond and helped 1000’s of parents start their new journey into parenthood.

Making this special time in your life one to remember in a positive and loving way is important. Gail has a passion for working with parents, babies and children.

She started her career in 1997 when she studied to become a massage therapist. Since then Gail has trained in many different fields specialising in Pregnancy Yoga, Baby Massage, Baby Yoga, Toddler Yoga and Wellbeing for Mothers and Babies. She has helped 1000’s of parents start their new journey into parenthood.

As a mum of twin girls born at 27 weeks’ gestation, she knows the hardships of becoming a new parent and the emotional rollercoaster it can put you on. She feels more than ever in these busy times, new parents need to find their tribe to ease the process.

To reach more parents and babies, she trained to become a trainer with the International Association of Infant Massage (IAIM) in 2010 and has trained 100’s of new instructors in Ireland and England with many different organisations reaching far and wide.

Gail has pioneered many of her services in Ireland, being one of the first to offer classes and services in the Dublin area, starting the Irish Chapter of the International Association of Infant Massage, Baby Massage Ireland and the first to offer Baby and Toddler Yoga.


We Have Worked With

Offering the highest standard of In house trainings and classes, Complete Harmony has worked with so many different organisations in Ireland and the UK to bring spread the benefits of Infant Massage.

Our Credentials